Local Services
Community Hubs
Community hubs have been created in each district across Lancashire to coordinate support and help which is available for those in need.
Volunteer support
If you feel isolated, vulnerable and in need of volunteer support you can fill out a community support referral form and a member of the Lancashire Volunteer Partnership will contact you.
If you are a group or organisation that can help support vulnerable people at this time please visit Our Lancashire.
Talkzone advice and information line
Families can get support, advice and information online and over the phone through our Talkzone service. Talkzone is open from 8.30am to 10pm each weekday, and from 2pm to 10pm on weekends.
Call 0800 511111
Text on 07786 511111
Email talkzone@lancashire.gov.uk, or
Support for clinically extremely vulnerable people
If you have a medical condition that makes you extremely vulnerable to coronavirus, you can register with gov.uk for support. You’ll be able to ask for help, for example, getting deliveries of essential supplies like food or medicine.
Register for yourself or on someone else's behalf. GOV.UK: Get coronavirus support as a clinically extremely vulnerable person
If you consider yourself vulnerable but don’t meet this criteria there is still help available through the Community Hubs.
Age UK Lancashire
Age UK Lancashire provides an information and Advice Line for:
Information on sources of local support, including referrals to emergency food supplies, where available;
Advice on a range of issues, including: benefits, housing options, health & community care;
A Welfare Benefits check over the telephone
Call Age UK on 0300 303 1234 or visit the Age UK Lancashire website.
Age Concern
The Age Concern Coronavirus Support Service is aimed at helping those within self-isolation and their carers to access:
Shopping trips
Free food parcels / welfare ‘goodie’ bags
Regular telephone calls / befriending service
Information and advice – incl. benefits assessments and links to wider public/voluntary sector support
Specialist dementia care and support
Selected Dementia Products available through our website.
A collection of free online Resources through our website
Various levels of support are available across Lancashire
To refer in to the service or to enquire about volunteering, please contact Age Concern Central Lancashire through the Coronavirus Helpline: (01772) 552850 (Option Zero) or visit the website: https://www.ageisjustanumber.org.uk/covid-19-referral/